Travel Care Hawaii
Hi there, how can I help you today?

Imagine this: wet feet, big waves, salty hair, and baked honey sunshine. Add that train of thought with a generous fusion of Polynesian food while watching the captivating hula dancers sway with the lively drum beats by the seashore. Did you feel your back sigh from the busy life and the rushing crowd of the urban streets? Well, it’s how caregiving travellers in Hawaii define a day off well spent!

The good news is The Big Island is continuously looking for passionate and adventurous caregiving travellers like you! So, why not dive into this opportunity and take your caregiving travel career for a tropical turn? Who knows, this might be the place you’ll end up calling home. There’s no doubt that Hawaii is on top of the list of most caregiving travellers. It’s double the reward when you get to answer the call for shortage of healthcare professionals and at the same time, given the full access to the ultimate island life.

Of course, it’s not all fun and entertainment! No travel of big worth comes easy. Through years of experience in matching passionate caregiving travellers with their perfect tropical ride, we know how vital a thorough preparation is. We have witnessed both good and bad caregiving travel stories and we’re out here to tell you that behind every successful caregiving travel in Hawaii is a solid work of hardcore planning.

If you’re considering Hawaii as your next caregiving travel destination, we have prepared a checklist of things you have to consider before embarking.

Assessment of Financial Situation  

Stories about losing money over travel assignments in Hawaii may be true only if you did not bother assessing your financial situation. Since Hawaii is a top destination for caregiving travellers, it’s not that difficult for recruiters to successfully place them for a job. Therefore, interview is competitive and the contracts may not be as high-paying as those with other areas. This may not be the case all the time, of course. Some specialties may pay more. However, caregiving travel in Hawaii is not all about the salary, it’s much more about the priceless island experience with the warm people.

Here’s a tip. Don’t start your travel assignments without some savings first. You may be met with some expenses for transportation, food, and housing. It can’t be overemphasized how important it is to discuss these matters with your recruiter. You may find yourself comparing which is more cost-effective between car rentals and having your own transport. Food may also drag your budget if you are not careful as it can be really expensive in some areas. Some travellers opt to arrange for their own housing so they can make use of the housing stipend better but this may end up costing more if not well executed. If presented with options, weigh each carefully.

Here in Travel Care Hawaii, we understand your circumstances. We want you to enjoy your time with us and not to cause you to run your money tank dry. Our recruiters are available 24/7 should you wish for more information on upfront payment and other terms. Consider that there will be days before and after the travel assignment where you will possibly be spending out-of-pocket. Plan it with us to ensure a successful travel assignment!

Review of the Situation Back Home

We’ve had experiences of caregiving travellers leaving too soon and not finishing their contracts because of unavoidable situations back home. These reasons include emergency health situations of their loved ones and not being able to maintain payment for apartment, among others. Since you will be away for weeks, it is wise to have your place and car rented while you’re out.

It would be a waste of time and resources for both the caregiving traveller and the agency. Above all, this would compromise patient care as the agency will be left to find for your replacement and there is no guarantee that the post will be filled in immediately. This may also affect your relationship with that agency if the situation is not handled well.

Here in Travel Care Hawaii, we don’t want to add you more burden on top of your daily caregiving work challenges. As we genuinely care and only wish you success, we advise that you wait for the situation to clear before you fly out for this exciting travel assignment with us!

Examination of Your Purpose and Motivation

We understand that part of this package is a wonderful leisure time that you desire to maximize. However, we kindly remind caregiving travellers under our care that at the end of the day, they are primarily here with us for caregiving purposes. Understand that with each day you show up, you are adding significant quality to the lives of the clients needing your care and service.

Generally, you are required to work 40 hours a week. Since you are here to augment staff shortage, you are also expected to fill in 2-3 shifts of overtime. This is the basis for when you get an average of $1000 a week. If you fail to meet this required time, this may cause your earnings to drop significantly and we don’t want that to happen with your engagement with us.

If you understand your purpose and choose your motivations well, a successful travel assignment is waiting for you here with us! Caregiving travellers here in Hawaii whose contracts are about to finish under a different company and wish to extend have available work opportunities with us. What’s a better news? We actually help caregivers who wish to relocate here for good!

Discussion of Other Matters

Other matters you have to take into consideration are those concerning with housing, address, damages, deposits, and furnishing.

Here in Travel Care Hawaii, we provide you a comfortable place to live in with all the basic furnishing you need. You may be required to hand in a deposit but this will be returned to you after the travel assignment and the place be inspected of possible damages which occured during your stay. In case of damages, we advise that you report this immediately. Rest assured, matters like this will be handled in such a way that you will be left with the least possible cost if not free.

You may also need to make arrangements if you wish for your own Internet connection. We’d be happy to assist you regarding this matter.

Lastly and probably the most important, make sure you leave us your updated and correct address so you receive mails and other important files.

Caregiving travel assignments in Hawaii are exciting but going here requires a lot of preparation with your travel agency. Good and open communication is important in considering the matters mentioned above. Hawaii is a great place to experience with its people, culture, and scenic landscape. To maximize your caregiving travel stay here, we ensure you plan your trip well.

Consider this checklist and a successful caregiving travel assignment awaits you. For more information about caregiving travels with us, our lines are open 24/7!