Travel Care Hawaii
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For healthcare professionals who want to work and travel at the same time, there’s no stronger magnetic pull than what the Hawaiian waves can do. With a wide stretch of pristine beaches and rolling hills growing with luxuriant foliage, caregiving travellers are easily drawn to the inherent charms of the island life. In fact, it is one of the most sought after caregiving travel destinations!

The quaint island is not immune to health staffing shortage. Time and time again, especially during seasonal outbreaks, it needs skilled and non-skilled health professionals to meet its safe staff:patient ratio. It vows to safeguard the welfare of the unique island communities by making it a mission to provide a progressive, accessible, and high-quality healthcare system all the time. Due to several health challenges, Hawaii sees shortage of healthcare professionals while demand is rising up at a constant rate.

Of course, caregiving travel agencies are picking up and are more than pleased to match and send caregiving travellers into their perfect island getaway!

Surely, every passionate and hardworking caregiving traveller deserves soft sand on their toes, salt and sun on their hair, and a breath of fresh air, right? Here are some of the reasons why caregiving travel in Hawaii is a waveride that you should hungrily plunge on.

The Call That Never Ends

With one of the oldest populations in the world, there will always be demands for healthcare in Hawaii. Majority of the population would benefit from long-term care and this means continuous and more stable healthcare opportunities. Retirement communities will always seek for caregiving travellers.

It is of no surprise that the State reports that four out of the top six jobs in demand in Hawaii are healthcare-related. This is a perfect opportunity for caregiving travellers who fancy a change in their work life may it be temporary or permanent. In the first job demand report made in 2019 by The Hawaii Healthcare Workforce Initiative about healthcare work force needs, there are more than 2000 open jobs waiting for adventurous takers! Moreover, these posts can last for a year before they are being filled in. The call never ends and it may be the perfect time for you to pick it up! This is seen to be continuously rising in the next decade.

As of this writing, Hawaii is not spared from the COVID-19 pandemic and is sending out an urgent call for healthcare professionals to augment their short-staffed hospitals, retirement communities, and other healthcare facilities.

You may want to communicate with your trusted caregiving travel agency regarding open caregiving travel posts in the island.  

The Aloha Spirit

More than just a greeting or a salutation, Hawaii takes pride in its aloha spirit which inculcates in every citizen its deep, mutual, and unconditional regard and affection. Who wouldn’t want to work in this kind of environment? It’s the working philosophy of Hawaii to treat everyone with care and respect.

More than its physical beauty, spending some caregiving travels in Hawaii leaves you this precious lesson. Majority of caregiving travellers who have been to Hawaii, if they were not successfully and permanently lured into this warm paradise, would say that their spirits were never touched this way and this warm.

If you want something more deep and spiritual out of your work experience, you might wanna give caregiving travel in Hawaii a chance.

The Outdoor Life

For caregiving travellers who want to make the most out of their travel assignments, taking on the island trail might be the road to experiencing it best and fullest. Hawaii does not only cherish caregiving travellers with their warmth and cosmopolitan culture but also pays them with its stunning view and touristy destinations. It almost feels like a paid vacation!

As a tip, it is wise to inquire about transportation arrangements with your caregiving travel agency. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to bring your own car for comfort and convenience. This may be of significant benefit if you are assigned in a more remote place. However, transport system in Hawaii is efficient and car rentals are available for days you want to explore the outdoors.

Imagine your days off spent hiking, swimming, and hopping around native shops and local restaurants. This is particularly rich in Hawaii knowing that it is a melting pot of minority culture! Keep an open mind, bask in it, and try it all.

Notes on Planning

If you have made a committed decision to go to Hawaii or on any island travel assignment, it is advised to research about the place. Requirement vary in every place and a good traveller is a prepared one. Policies on bringing pets, temporary and/or permanent travel nursing licensure, and transportation should be patiently read and understood.

This is where the importance of matching with a perfect caregiving travel agency comes in. Discuss these things with a representative in order to make an informed decision. The more you plan and research, the more you will know if this is the caregiving travel assignment for you. Most caregiving travel agencies provide 24/7 employee support and it is essential that you have researched about this well before starting your application or showing up for an interview.

Island travel assignments bring a lot of attraction with high level of interest. It is expected that interview here is competitive. Be flexible by showing your experiences in a variety of fields of care. It may also help to try some other shifts if your desired one is not available. Asking for similar localities if you’re not accepted into your locality of choice also shows dedication. The more you showcase your flexibility, the more likely you’re going to get one of these travel assignments.

Giving caregiving travel in Hawaii a chance is an experience that should not be overlooked. Most would require at least two years of healthcare experience. If you have that and you want some life-changing twists, make a committed decision to go. Ask your chosen caregiving travel agency how and start your application now. The island life is waiting!