Travel Care Hawaii
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The caregiving travel industry offers an opportunity for healthcare workers to explore several places throughout the years. It is indeed exciting to be able to do this while working, especially for an in-demand industry. More than anything, it adds up to the quality of personal experience while trying to further one’s career. Thousands of travel nurses and certified nursing attendants (CNAs) are hopping around places and it is time that you should too!

Labor statistics data foresees a steady projected growth for caregiving services. More and more patients in the hospitals, nursing facilities, and retirement community will need competent and holistic care. If you find The Charm City dull and no longer sparkling, maybe the Tropics can inspire your spirit! If you’re born and raised in the islands and other remote places, it is likewise worthy to experience the huge city life. Go out and let the uniquely beautiful destinations surprise you. Some travel assignment locations may make you not want to go back and some you will end up calling home. Trust us, we have heard of these stories while doing what we love most: matching travel nurses and CNAs to beautiful Hawaii destinations!

For caregiving travellers who haven’t been on the either side, you can’t help but wonder what is out there. For those who have been travelling here and there, it can’t be helped to compare. Here are some insights about mainland and local caregiving particularly in Hawaii.

Work Opportunities

As mentioned, job openings in this industry are seen to grow for the many years to come. In some areas, particularly the remote ones, these job openings may take months to be filled in. Therefore, demand here is stable and always running high.

Both mainland and Hawaii provide steady work opportunities for travel nurses and CNAs. Caregiving travel agencies are expert in matching your needs with your travel assignments. Choosing which to go depends on what you want out of this travel assignment. Your comfort, circumstances at home, and personality make some of the biggest factors in making a decision. Of course, we encourage you to move far and explore the world while you still can!

Rest assured, wherever you choose to go, there will always be people needing your competent skills and compassionate brand of care. For caregiving job openings in Hawaii, you may reach our 24/7 online support.


You will definitely hear a lot of opinions comparing the pay between mainland and Hawaii. If we just take into consideration the number, then the pay in mainland is superior. But it’s not all that simple! There are many things to consider about this aspect.

The problem with staffing is country-wide. No state is spared from it. The mainland has greater population and with more facilities so the application scene is really busy. Pay has to be competitive among these fairly manageable-distanced facilities.

Hawaii, on the other hand, since geographically far and even with its unique time zone, also struggles with flying healthcare workers to augment staffing problems. However, since its unique charm is enough for travel nurses and CNAs to consider application, it does not have to try hard. Consequently, pay is lower compared to the mainland. Cost of living is not exactly friendly for budget travellers. Seasoned travellers advise to save up before flying here to maximize the experience. Some would even say that the opportunity for leisure in Hawaii is something that caregiving travellers should not sleep on. Despite the lower pay, most agree that working here is worth it.


Both locations have a fair share of traffic problems. If you’re the type who can get impatient when outside and driving, you have to plan this aspect really well.

In the mainland, transportation is reliably available 24/7. It’s so easy to book a ride from point A to point B.

In Hawaii, every island is different and going to some would need reliable transport. Travellers have come up with a variety of options to fully enjoy the island. Car rentals is the most popular option and as it can be expensive monthly (especially if you’re just staying short-term), it pays to compare prices. Some buy second hand cars and sell them when they are done. Flying your own car is an option but can be really expensive depending on your location. Lastly, since it’s the island, others buy bike and just arrange for car rentals when they want to explore the island! It’s probably the most cost-effective option especially if you’re housed near the facility where you work.

Here in Travel Care Hawaii, we provide transportation stipend to help you. We offer weekly stipend and will fly you out here for free! Learn how you can work around with this stipend by messaging us.

Work Environment

Hawaii is a close-knit, warm, and comfortable community. People are friendly and casual clothes are the way to go. Aloha is more than just a greeting but a philosophy applied in personal life and work. It is one of the top rated reasons why caregiving travellers fly out to Hawaii for work. People treat each other with deep regard and respect fostering one of the most warm and genuine interpersonal relationships ever known. Working in this kind of environment makes communication open and easy. Caregiving travellers find it hard to leave Hawaii mostly because of this!

This is not to say that working in the mainland is exposing one’s self to hostile environment. Generally, life in Hawaii is more laid-back and people have plenty of opportunities to relax. Even going outside just to enjoy the sun is more than a treat as the weather here is fine all year-round. Also, everyone here is a minority. Everyone knows how it feels to be different. This also means a rain of culture you will enjoy learning about!

Many have been here and have found themselves wanting to relocate. It speaks of the caregiving career opportunities waiting for you in Hawaii. Choosing mainland and Hawaii for travel assignments are both options worth trying some time in your career. Should you find yourself dreaming of the waves, the palms, and the waterfalls, we got you! Let us know how we can help. We can’t wait to fly you out here!

Photo credit: Jp Valery (@jpvalery) on Stocksnap