Travel Care Hawaii
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HAWAII Board of Nursing License Application

Once you receive your Visascreen Certificate, you will be ready for your Bordertrip. It is advisable to submit your Hawaii license application approximately 3-4 days before your Bordertrip. You can prepare and submit your HI license application online with the Hawaii Board of Nursing (BON). Our office team will assist you with the process from start to finish:

    • Help you create an online account with BON called MyPVL.
    • Assist you in preparing the necessary documents.
    • Allow you to add them as an authorized party to ensure they can monitor the progress and help you identify any deficiencies.
    • Assist you in determining the correct fee amount of $286 to be mailed out as a cashier’s check or money order.

It will take between 4-6 weeks for the Hawaii license to be issued.

When you apply before your Bordertrip, you will not yet have the TN visa, SSN, and fingerprinting ready. These will automatically become deficiencies. However, if you upload the TN visa, SSN, and fingerprinting as soon as you have them ready, you will not experience a delay in processing time.

Check your MyPVL daily!
The BON will send a letter to notify you of deficiencies. However, you can also access these letters online, which, considering the mailing time to Canada, saves 10 days of processing time. So please check daily for updates!


Once you have created your MyPVL account with the Hawaii Board of Nursing and submitted your application, you can then email to request the hardcopy fingerprint packet to be mailed to you. BE AWARE: you will need to have an active application with BON to receive this package. Do not request the package if you have not yet submitted your actual application. All instructions on how to proceed will be in the packet you receive. You can visit any law enforcement office near you in Canada to have it done.